Originally published on November 13, 2014 by Barry Winters. Thanks to the obsessive copy/pasting of David Raymond Amos, I now have access to a variety of Barry's writings over the years that will be republished here.
Rehtaeh Parsons is dead, thank goodness! Rehtaeh Parsons died entirely uneducated, a truant, a future sex trade worker, and welfare recipient, a life, maritime kanadian society is well rid of. Rehtaeh Parsons (Heather spelled backwards) was never going to accomplish anything with her life. At fourteen years old young Rehtaeh was a habitual attendee of parties where she consumed copious quantities of dope and alcohol, and engaged in promiscuous sex. This longstanding behavior was well known by Rehtaeh’s “parents,” and condoned. There is a long tawdry, sordid record of Rehtaeh (Heather spelled backwards) “enjoying” herself long before what Leah Parsons called “that fateful party.” And when another video record of young Rehtaeh “enjoying herself” “at that fateful party,” was posted in cyber -space, over a week later little Rehtaeh decided, “it was rape Daddy, really!”
The highly dysfunctional, and abusive “family” decided that Rehtaeh wasn’t really an habitual attendee of sex, and alcohol fueled parties looking to get laid, and “kill the pain,” but the “victim of a vicious gang rape.” But alas all of Rehtaeh’s (Heather spelled backwards) peers, all the boys, all of Halifax, and Halifax police knew Rehteah wasn’t the “victim of a vicious gang rape.” There wasn’t a scintilla of evidence that a “rape” had occurred. There was no chance of charges being laid, nor the securing of a conviction. In fact police reports show Rehtaeh undressed the boys, she, and her “parents” claim, “viciously gang raped her.”
No charges of sexual assault have been laid, nor will ever be laid after two investigations by both RCM Police and the Halifax Police Service. Today one of two boys charged over taking and posting cell phone pictures of young Rehtaeh enjoying herself fucking and sucking the boys she herself had undressed, received from the court a conditional discharge. Which is something less than a “slap on the wrist.” The boy pleaded guilty out of financial, political and legal expediency, an Ontario prosecutor promised him a token sentence. Nova Scotia prosecutors wanted no part of this farce. A “legal mercenary” from Ontario had to be “parachuted in” to perpetrate this legal charade. Today in that Halifax courtroom, Leah Parson wore her just bought new dress, and read out her victim’s impact statement. As all eyes were on her, witnesses say she was “almost able to squeeze out a tear” while she told anyone dumb enough to listen to her that, her “little Rehtaeh (Heather spelled backwards) those photos spurred on beastly boys to harass and drive Rehtaeh into suicide over two years later.
Glenford Canning “added his two cents” to this kangaroo court no doubt telling the court Rehtaeh (Heather spelled backwards) really didn’t take the cocks out of the pants of four boys and fuck and suck them. That little Rehtaeh wasn’t abused, or the product of a dysfunctional “family,” and wasn’t a habitual attendee on sex and drinking parties. I suppose Glenford Canning nor Leah were “under oath.” The reality is, the trut h is, Rehtaeh was abused, and the product of a dysfunctional “family,” a broken home, and criminally culpable “parents.” Rehtaeh Parsons did not progress herself to suicide in the two intervening years betwixt “that fateful party” and her offing herself. Rehtaeh Parsons progressed herself to suicide from long before that “fateful party,” or any of the scores of such parties she participated in. Rehtaeh Parsons was destined to be a loser, and tragic statistic due to her own “parents. Rehateh Parsons did not kill herself because she was driven to it by her peers. Rehtaeh Parsons killed herself to rid herself of her abusive parents, and dysfunctional family. Perhaps, that’s what the Judge in a Halifax courtroom ought to have heard today. Both Leah Parsons and Glenford Canning have enhanced their incomes off the tragic death of Rehtaeh. (Heather spelled backwards) they have extended their “fifteen minutes of dubious fame,” and parlayed it into cash. The have been the “poster children” for “don’t be that guy,” “don’t raise a rapist” campaigns, and the beating of the drums against Canada’s “rape culture,” that doesn’t exist. But the reality, the truth, the awful truth is: Glenford and Leah raised a 13 to 14 year old promiscuous abuser of both drugs and alcohol. Glenford and Leah raised, “that girl!” Normal 13 or 14 year old girl children do not habitually go to parties to get high, and laid. Girl children in normal non dysfunctional “families” where they aren’t abused do NOT act out as Rehtaeh did. Rehtaeh Parsons was destined to become a tragic statistic the moment she was born to “parents” Leah, and Glenford.
Glenford Canning has postulated, prevaricated and propagandized about “decent people”, or “decent parents “don’t raise rapists or boys that rape.” But alas NO decent “parents” raised or abused Rehteah Parsons, or raised her to be dishonourable. There’s nothing “decent” about Glenford Canning or Leah Parsons.