Friday, 27 October 2017

The Mad Shangi Show "The Roast of David Raymond Amos: Cyberstalker"

 Barry Winters was my guest on "The Mad Shangi Show" where we roasted David Raymond Amos live. David Amos is a mentally ill man hiding out somewhere in the Maritimes being an absolute cunt. Spam e-mailing everyone from the Prime Minister of Canada, to some random teen girl on Twitter. Amos was being exploited by the cyberstalker Glen Canning, for his own personal vendetta against Barry Winters. Glen Canning learned where I was employed at by stalking my Facebook and checking out the Christmas Party pictures I had posted. He then fed the information to David Amos who phoned and harassed my bosses at work.


  1. Seeing your chinless, inarticulate self cry over your boyfriend's death is incredibly gratifying, almost as much as your current Facebook ban. Don't worry, your twitter one and YouTube are coming too. Cry yourself to sleep in your daddy's basement. In your 30s and still live at home too? The epitome of the MRAs, shit posting troll wannabes, and losers everywhere. Slow clap.

  2. Oh My My
    It appears that Evil is Evil even onto itself N'esy Pas?

    ---------- Original message ----------
    From: David Amos
    Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2018 18:16:30 -0400
    Subject: Re: DDJ's Inferno: Responding to MadShangi's Campaign of Harassment
    To: cps , patrick_doran1
    , eps ,
    "Paul.Lynch" , "philip.bryden" , "Kathleen.Ganley" ,
    Dean Ray ,
    Cc: David Amos

    Scorched Earth = Butt Hurt
    Mad Shangi
    Published on Mar 12, 2018
    What happens when you trigger a sex-doll peddlin' fake MGTOW? Well,
    you get doxxed of course.

    Name: Patrick John Doran aka Mad Shangi

    Home: 7404 b 25th st se calgary ab

    Work: Dafco Filtration Group
    Calgary Facility
    2294 Portland Street SE
    Calgary, AB T2G 4M6 Canada
    Manager: Glenn Connell
    Phone: 403-243-8772
    Fax: 403-243-8860

    902 494 2184 2211

    Uncle's Obituary Page:

    ---------- Original message ----------
    From: David Amos
    Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 18:37:55 -0400
    Subject: DDJ's Inferno: Responding to MadShangi's Campaign of Harassment
    To: cps , patrick_doran1
    , eps ,
    "Paul.Lynch" , "philip.bryden" , "Kathleen.Ganley" ,
    Dean Ray ,
    Cc: David Amos

    DDJ's Inferno: Responding to MadShangi's Campaign of Harassment
    Misandry Today
    Published on Mar 11, 2018

    For the record I do not play in ED or Reddit etc. However lots of Trolls who have pretended to be me over the years do so. That was the reason I joined Twitter in order to sort who was truly me. Everybody knows the nasty Troll Patrick Doran dropped his own "Dox" within a YouTube of his about Glen Canning and I pointed it out in writing in a heartbeat years ago. That video is now deleted but I saved it along with all the others that I deemed important to support my lawsuit against Calgary etc.

    Obviously it was Glen Canning and his "Anonymous" butt buddies in Halifax picked up on my revelation as to Doran's whereabouts and then found out where he worked. They posted the info in "Pastebin" just like did with lots af stuff about Canning and his foes. Once I was made aware of it I called Doran's boss to verify. That caused them to promptly raise a stink with the very corrupt Calgary Cops which Dran bragged about in his videos. I quickly kicked in corrupt cops in Calagary and Edmonton in the nuts again because of all the calls I getting at all hours from people attempting to deliver Doran and Winters pizzas etc. I explained to the delivery guys that they should call the cops because I had given up on them being even remotely ethical Furthermore I often asked the restaurants why they didn't call me and verify the order before sending out people to make a delivery then have some poor bastard call me in the middle of the night. Trust that they had no answer for such a simple question but after a while the calls abut pizzas etc in Alberta quit coming.

    Veritas Vincit
    David Raymond Amos
    902 800 0369

  3. twitter com/DavidRayAmos/with_replies

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    2h2 hours ago

    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    For the public record I already saved this blog everything else … Methinks the corrupt Calgary cops would have finally done their job last year after Patty Baby's butt buddy Mr Baconfat got his evil arse arrested in Edmonton then shit the bed N'esy Pas?
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    3h3 hours ago
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    You said "Telling people to suck a shotgun? You are really unstable. Are you off your meds?"

    Small wonder I contacted the cops Learn to read pervert That is what your butt buddy "The Badman" posted to me in YOUR pal Coggy Baby's YouTube channel and that is definitely illegal.
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    You Retweeted
    ‏ @TheGuardian_002
    15h15 hours ago

    TheGuardian Retweeted David Raymond Amos

    Telling people to suck a shotgun? You are really unstable. Are you off your meds?

    TheGuardian added,
    David Raymond Amos
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and 9 others
    If I truly were unstable the Trolls would have made a hero out me years ago EH?
    youtube com/watch?v=3upm1NvyTB8&t=4574s ……
    0 replies 1 retweet 2 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    15h15 hours ago
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    If I truly were unstable the Trolls would have made a hero out me years ago EH?

    youtube com/watch?v=3upm1NvyTB8&t=4574s …

    The Badman 2 days ago shutup you fucking freak, suck a shotgun you mentally retarded mug

    Mad Shangi 2 days ago Check out his so-called evidence Badman. It's hilarious.
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    15h15 hours ago
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    I see Patty Baby Doran is following me in Twitter again EH? Methinks the cops should review some of his old Twitter posts and some words of his butt buddy Mr Baconfat as Patty Baby recalls the "Anonymous" Trolls in Halifax who pretend to be me N'esy Pas? davidraymondamos3 html …
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes


  4. David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    23h23 hours ago
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    Methinks the Yankee Wannabe IT Guy ain't all the clever after all N'esy Pas? Should the FBI tell him to click on the link I provided to verify that comment was published 6 days ago? Furthermore why brag of killing cattle on Werner Bock's farm long before he was shitting yellow?
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    You Retweeted
    ‏ @TheGuardian_002
    1d1 day ago

    TheGuardian Retweeted David Raymond Amos

    You recorded his address over two years ago. He didn't tell you it 6 days ago. You aren't making any sense.

    TheGuardian added,
    David Raymond Amos
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and 9 others
    6 days ago Patrick Doran told me his address in his very first live stream with his buddy Barry Winters aka Mr Baconfat and Glen Canning's "Anonymous" pals picked up on it and posted the info in Pastebin with the rest of their stuff in support of Canning youtube com/watch?v=vZ6ruFiP_FQ&t=210s …
    0 replies 2 retweets 2 likes

    You Retweeted
    ‏ @TheGuardian_002
    1d1 day ago

    TheGuardian Retweeted David Raymond Amos

    You need to get your head checked... you will never get me to apologize for killing your cows.

    TheGuardian added,
    David Raymond Amos
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and 9 others
    6 days ago Patrick Doran told me his address in his very first live stream with his buddy Barry Winters aka Mr Baconfat and Glen Canning's "Anonymous" pals picked up on it and posted the info in Pastebin with the rest of their stuff in support of Canning youtube com/watch?v=vZ6ruFiP_FQ&t=210s …
    1 reply 1 retweet 2 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    1d1 day ago
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    6 days ago Patrick Doran told me his address in his very first live stream with his buddy Barry Winters aka Mr Baconfat and Glen Canning's "Anonymous" pals picked up on it and posted the info in Pastebin with the rest of their stuff in support of Canning
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 23
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    Methinks the corrupt cops and his fellow Trolls should ask a certain PERVERT they love (I never called him a pedo) why he follows my Twitter account so closely after blocking me for years with his old account N'esy Pas Patty Baby Doran? #RCMP #FBICoverUp
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 23
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    Shame on you Trolls for making fun of your friend Katherine Lamp Methinks I will give her a call sometime because I do believe that she is ethical and no doubt did call @CalgaryPolice N'esy Pas? #RCMP @cityofcalgary @CTVCalgary @calgaryherald @CBCCalgary
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 23
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    Methinks nasty little noname Yankee and UK Trolls without the balls to even have names should share their bullshit about me versus Patty Baby Doran and his buddies such as Dean Roger Ray and Mr Baconfat with the FBI and the RCMP N'esy Pas? #FBICoverUp
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

  5. You Retweeted
    ‏ @TheGuardian_002
    Mar 23

    TheGuardian Retweeted David Raymond Amos

    Have you ever thought that your insanity is what people are tracking... and not your kids? Your antics and stupidity is what draws people's attention. If you weren't such a lolcow, no one would know you or your kid's names. You are your own worst enemy.

    TheGuardian added,
    David Raymond Amos
    Replying to @LyliEven32 @OpticDecay
    YO @TheGuardian_002 A clever young Yankee IT guy should have figured out Trolls have been cyber stalking my kids for years FYI right from my Twitter account You & @rcmpgrcpolice @FBIWFO can still see where a Troll forgot to delete his temp Twitter account twitter com/G49336597
    0 replies 2 retweets 9 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 23
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    If Patty Baby Doran wants to pretend that he does not know who my kids and Dean Roger Ray are then how does he explain his voicemail archive org/details/PattyBabyDoranReadingFromMyKidsOnlineDiary … or his own videos? youtube com/watch?v=GClAAGYnImQ … at 23 minutes see Ray explain their photos? #RCMP #FBI
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 22
    Replying to @LyliEven32 @OpticDecay

    YO @TheGuardian_002 A clever young Yankee IT guy should have figured out Trolls have been cyber stalking my kids for years FYI right from my Twitter account You & @rcmpgrcpolice @FBIWFO can still see where a Troll forgot to delete his temp Twitter account twitter com/G49336597
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    You Retweeted
    Lyli Even
    ‏ @LyliEven32
    Mar 21
    Replying to @OpticDecay

    Harassed dead girls.
    reddit com/r/copypasta/comments/7osb4a/the_mad_shangi_is_the_greatest_youtuber_of/ …
    glencanning com/2017/06/barry-winters-gets-his-day-edmonton-rehtaehparsons/ …
    youtube com/watch?v=qYoc6T96G94 … com/watch?v=-Pmj-jQUj4U&t=38s …
    cbc ca/news/canada/edmonton/nobody-safe-from-edmonton-blogger-charged-with-hate-crime-1.4161015 …
    Doxxed himself:
    archive is/kKL0b
    facebook com/patrickjohn.doran.7 …
    archive is/kKL0b
    2 replies 2 retweets 2 likes


  6. David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 22
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @TheGuardian_002 and

    Within "Most Liked" thread of "Robert Paul"
    Troy Mann "I've always believed the government should see me as a 9 digit number, aka my sin number."

    I say Interesting statement Why don't you consider yourself a human being first? etc etc etc #TrudeauMustGo
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes


    ‏ @vampkandy
    Mar 21
    Replying to @LyliEven32 @DDJSPOCKETTHOT and

    You realize cog made him own up to this on a stream right?
    6 replies 1 retweet 7 likes

    ‏ @TheGuardian_002
    Mar 21

    They don't get it either. Also the video comes from the same crazy person that only uploaded it to the archive 2 days ago. This confirms that Amos gave DDJ Shangi's dox.
    2 replies 1 retweet 3 likes

    ‏ @TheGuardian_002
    Mar 21

    This goes directly back to the point I made on Cog's stream. The only justification they have now for doxing someone, since this video wasn't available anywhere until two days ago, was on the word of crazy person who has held onto it for years for vindictive reasons...
    2 replies 0 retweets 2 likes

    ‏ @TheGuardian_002
    Mar 21

    Not only that, but when DDJ realized none of what Amos accused Shangi of doing was credible, he doubles down on calling him a pedophile and making up an accusation that that he sexually harassed 2 dead girls. That is how low he is willing to go in order to avoid responsibility...
    1 reply 0 retweets 1 like

    Lyli Even
    ‏ @LyliEven32
    Mar 21

    You know what, if you’ve done any research at all, you’ve heard what he said about those girls. So don’t come to me with that sh* t.
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    ‏ @TheGuardian_002
    Mar 21

    Sexually harassing someone is a very clear definition. A person can have an opinion of people, but that's not harassment. Especially when the people you are talking about are already dead. Again, other than lies, you o nly have personal reasons for doing it. Stop hiding it...
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    Lyli Even
    ‏ @LyliEven32
    Mar 21

    Firstly, in the initial video DDJ stated there were allegations of it that weren’t verified.
    Upon investigating we agreed Shangi didn’t sexually assault anyone.
    However he did make obscene remarks about two underaged rape victims. That’s the definition of sexual harassment.
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    Lyli Even
    ‏ @LyliEven32
    Mar 21

    2 replies 0 retweets 1 like

    Lyli Even
    ‏ @LyliEven32
    Mar 21

    Can you see the word 'or' between places? The means it can occur in one place OR another. In this case the location was a 'social situation'..
    2 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    Lyli Even
    ‏ @LyliEven32
    Mar 21

    ..But if I wanted to be a smart ass, I could point out that Shangi lists his place of employment as 'C.E.O of Mad Shangi Entertainment' which makes his show, his work place.
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    Lyli Even
    ‏ @LyliEven32
    Mar 21

    I know I got a technicality there ��
    Either way though, I'm not in america, so I'm not going to go through each state and what not, I'm just going to say I have a problem with a man blaming and shaming a 14 year old rape victim and harassing her father..
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes


  7. TheGuardian
    ‏ @TheGuardian_002
    Mar 21

    How does one do that while never contacting anyone and only giving his opinion online? Especially when the person he is commenting on is dead?
    3 replies 0 retweets 1 like

    Lyli Even
    ‏ @LyliEven32
    Mar 21

    I've been though this with you..
    2 replies 0 retweets 1 like

    Lyli Even
    ‏ @LyliEven32
    Mar 21

    I can send you links and screen shots if you want?
    1 reply 0 retweets 1 like

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 22

    YO @TheGuardian_002 A clever young Yankee IT guy should have figured out Trolls have been cyber stalking my kids for years FYI right from my Twitter account You & @rcmpgrcpolice @FBIWFO can still see where a Troll forgot to delete his temp Twitter account twitter com/G49336597
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 23

    If Patty Baby Doran wants to pretend that he does not know who my kids and Dean Roger Ray are then how does he explain his voicemail archive org/details/PattyBabyDoranReadingFromMyKidsOnlineDiary … or his own videos? youtube com/watch?v=GClAAGYnImQ … at 23 minutes see Ray explain their photos? #RCMP #FBI
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 23

    Methinks nasty little noname Yankee and UK Trolls without the balls to even have names should share their bullshit about me versus Patty Baby Doran and his buddies such as Dean Roger Ray and Mr Baconfat with the FBI and the RCMP N'esy Pas? #FBICoverUp
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 23

    Shame on you Trolls for making fun of your friend Katherine Lamp Methinks I will give her a call sometime because I do believe that she is ethical and no doubt did call @CalgaryPolice N'esy Pas? #RCMP @cityofcalgary @CTVCalgary @calgaryherald @CBCCalgary
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes


  8. David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 23

    Methinks the corrupt cops and his fellow Trolls should ask a certain PERVERT they love (I never called him a pedo) why he follows my Twitter account so closely after blocking me for years with his old account N'esy Pas Patty Baby Doran? #RCMP #FBICoverUp
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Mar 23

    6 days ago Patrick Doran told me his address in his very first live stream with his buddy Barry Winters aka Mr Baconfat and Glen Canning's "Anonymous" pals picked up on it and posted the info in Pastebin with the rest of their stuff in support of Canning
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    22h22 hours ago

    Methinks the Yankee Wannabe IT Guy ain't all the clever after all N'esy Pas? Should the FBI tell him to click on the link I provided to verify that comment was published 6 days ago? Furthermore why brag of killing cattle on Werner Bock's farm long before he was shitting yellow?
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    14h14 hours ago

    I see Patty Baby Doran is following me in Twitter again EH? Methinks the cops should review some of his old Twitter posts and some words of his butt buddy Mr Baconfat as Patty Baby recalls the "Anonymous" Trolls in Halifax who pretend to be me N'esy Pas? davidraymondamos3
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    If I truly were unstable the Trolls would have made a hero out me years ago EH? …

    The Badman 2 days ago shutup you fucking freak, suck a shotgun you mentally retarded mug

    Mad Shangi 2 days ago Check out his so-called evidence Badman. It's hilarious.
    1:13 AM - 24 Mar 2018
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos Tweet text

    New conversation
    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    2h2 hours ago

    Replying to @DavidRayAmos @LyliEven32 and

    You said "Telling people to suck a shotgun? You are really unstable. Are you off your meds?"

    Small wonder I contacted the cops Learn to read pervert That is what your butt buddy "The Badman" posted to me in YOUR pal Coggy Baby's YouTube channel and that is definitely illegal.
    1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

    David Raymond Amos
    ‏ @DavidRayAmos
    31m31 minutes ago

    For the public record I already saved this blog everything else baconfatlegacy Methinks the corrupt Calgary cops would have finally done their job last year after Patty Baby's butt buddy Mr Baconfat got his evil arse arrested in Edmonton then shit the bed N'esy Pas?
    0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

    End of conversation

  9. youtube com/watch?v=3upm1NvyTB8&t=5146s

    Rose Blades Is Disingenuous
    Cognitive Thought
    Streamed live on Mar 19, 2018
    A quick loom at these messages, not going to take forever.

    Also send your support to The Beardbarian: gofundme com/follicles-un...

    If you like what you see, please Subscribe! (:


    Triple fife
    4 days ago
    Hey Cognitive Thought just wanted to point out that your avatar has the wheels turning on the right side of the brain when it should be from the left which produces logical thought.

    4 days ago
    that's not a thing you dope

    Cognitive Thought
    3 days ago
    Triple fife I have gears on both sides now.

  10. Mad Shangi
    4 days ago
    lol I was asleep while this shit was going on it seems.

    Mad Shangi
    4 days ago
    I'm not going to lie, if I ever find DDJ I'll kick the shit out of him for calling me a pedo.

    John Brown
    4 days ago
    He will say anything to destroy your credibility. He's not concerned on proving that he's right, he's more focused on dragging you down to a level below his.

    Octogon Smuggler
    4 days ago
    I just got a notification for this. Wtf?

    Alan B'Stard M P
    4 days ago (edited)
    move it forward to 3:18 . There is a trend for light " entertainment " rather than getting to the point

    Alan B'Stard M P
    4 days ago
    why don't you credit the music?

    Cognitive Thought
    4 days ago
    Alan B'Stard M P It's all free to use music from Bass Rebels. I usually show the video or say the music but I'll make a playlist and link it in the description. Thanks for the constructive criticism.

    Alan B'Stard M P
    4 days ago (edited)
    Hi mate, thanks. Not even a criticism really, merely an enquiry. Sometime hard to find it if we don't know name of a track


  11. Mad Shangi
    4 days ago
    The thing about these pedo accusations is this: he assumed I was making pedo accusations against HIM. When I wasn't. I brought up some ambiguous wording that was on the Doll Forum, brought it to his attention and he lost his shit. Accused me of "guilt by associaiton."

    So now I'm a pedo because I was fact-checking a story for AVFM, and I'm guilty by association because I had a friend named Barry Winters who was charged with a hate crime for writing mean words on the internet. And even though Barry and I don't share the same views, somehow I'm "guilty by association" the very thing DDJ was complaining I was doing to him, when I wasn't.

    John Brown
    4 days ago
    You are mistaken. He's not mad because you called him a pedo. He's mad because he and TFM are making money with the doll-house. Your criticism against their sponsor could hurt their business, and they set to destroy you just like they did with Kris and Miggy. They only see MGTOW as a business and not as a way to help men. They are scum of the worst kind.

    Mad Shangi
    4 days ago
    Damn right! He also lied to me about Sinatra admitting he doxed himself just before doxxing me. He's a piece of shit.

    Mad Shangi
    4 days ago
    Long before I ever had a Minds account, I had Facebook. People connected my Facebook to my YouTube because obviously I was posting my own content on my own Facebook, so that's how I originally doxxed my own name.

    Mad Shangi
    4 days ago
    Just a note about the Twitter account called "Grace Amos." It no longer exists and when "she" was tweeting me, she had no picture for an avatar. I think it was just a sock account by David Amos himself personally.

    The Badman
    3 days ago
    ofcourse it was, this nutter has no kids

    David Amos
    3 days ago

    The Badman
    2 days ago
    shutup you fucking freak, suck a shotgun you mentally retarded mug.

    Mad Shangi
    2 days ago
    Check out his so-called evidence Badman. It's hilarious.


    Finally Getting Somewhere...
    Cognitive Thought
    Streamed live on Mar 20, 2018

    If you like what you see, please Subscribe! (:


    Toothless Cowboy
    3 days ago
    34 likes 1 dislike no comments oh crap now there is a comment

    John Brown
    3 days ago
    They didn't show you this because they didn't know. They were talking out of their ass this whole time.

    Kat Lamp
    3 days ago
    Lol. Sure, dude

    Kat Lamp
    3 days ago (edited)
    Looks like damage control at this point. DDJ did send you this, Cog. And Shangi continues lying. This is too damn hilarious. DDJ never said mass shooter, etc. You going to double down, or apologize. DDJ is the bigger man here. Wait, he's the ONLY man here...

    Kat Lamp
    3 days ago
    So sad. Still believing SpergShangi

    John Brown
    3 days ago
    You are the hilarious one, logging on a sock account to cheer-lead on a doxxer.

    Kat Lamp
    3 days ago
    John Brown Its obviously well past your med time

    Mad Shangi
    3 days ago
    Katherine looks almost as dumb as DDJ right now.

    David Amos
    3 days ago
    At least she didn't harass my family EH PERVERT?

    Kat Lamp
    3 days ago
    David Amos Hi David. You are greatly appreciated by many. I would like to hear your story sometime. And thank you.

    Mad Shangi
    3 days ago
    Funny how there's no evidence of me harassing your family in that clip.

    Kat Lamp
    2 days ago
    Mad Shangi thank you Shangi, a fantastic compliment

    Mad Shangi
    2 days ago
    Others have already pointed out how much your text resemble's DDJ's own comment patterns. I'm starting to see it too.

    Kat Lamp
    2 days ago
    Mad Shangi LOL. I truly appreciate the complements.

    Dog_ _Backwards
    3 days ago
    Cogs all good, what about Sloppy bearings?


    Misandry Today Still Supports Doxing With @MisandryToday
    Cognitive Thought
    Streamed live on Mar 17, 2018
    Let's look at this derail video again and clarify some things with evidence.


    Pinned by Cognitive Thought
    6 days ago
    4:45 So this is where it turly begins. Everything before this was like the Phantom Menace: overblown, decent music, not enough money pouring in to justify some of the choices, with crappy graphics and confusing plot points.

    John Brown
    6 days ago
    DDJ is one of a kind. It's the first person I've ever seen that takes what Anonymous says as "truth and facts." Encyclopedia Dramatica is a satire website. Reddit has for the most part an anonymous community of questionable intelligence. Maybe he also believes /pol to be full of legit journalists.

    But hey, according to him 3 tweets a day makes you deserving of a doxx. Point taken.

    Being a little more serious about this, he has deep psychological issues. After watching his video The Wall I can conclude that he is living his fantasy of being a lawyer. He has lived in their shadow for decades, and only now he's finally getting to enjoy the status that real lawyers have in our society. Who knows of the ways that he has gotten ridiculed by them over the years while working as a legal secretary, serving them donuts and coffee... being basically their bitch. He will defend that flimsical position of his however he can.

    He is also extremely insecure, considering he's going to this extent against Mad Shangi, a self-proclaimed troll, who has 57 subs at the moment of this post and whose videos peak 70 views. Why spend so much time on this? Because he's obsessive-compulsive. Albeit not a very smart one.

    Notice how mob-reliant he really is, by using his audience's emotions to back up his poorly-thought claims. He has dealt with everyone who have opposed him just like a radical leftist would do. No facts, no proof, only smearing and repetition while circumventing any arguments against him.

    Thank you Cognitive Thought for taking the time to address this. Misandry Today is a blight in the MGTOW community. Unfortunately for the intelligent mgtows, we cannot get rid of him as effectively as we would like to, because he has enthralled many low IQ mgtows and TFLs with his rhetoric. It doesn't help that he is backed by another devious individual called TFM.

    MGTOW already summons by default a lot of criticism and misinformation. We are not a community of assholes and idiots like DDJ and his troupe make us seem.

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    "Encyclopedia Dramatica is a satire website." YEA RIGHT

    Wait until you see such things posted about you by your hero and rather nasty Troll Patrick Doran. If you really think my lawsuit is fiction why not have the no name Yankee "paralegal" query the Federal Court of Canada docket if you do not know how to do so?

  14. Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    ....So if Encyclopedia Dramatica isn't satire, as you say (and if the entry you point to is yours)....

    Aren't you saying that you are a batshit crazy troll and shouldn't be trusted?

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    Nope I am saying I contacted the cops

    Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    David Amos that seems like a much more reasonable response than using his methods or inflaming YouTube drama. I wish you well, and good luck going forward.

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    Get a lawyer punk

    Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    Wait, you called the cops on me?

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    The crap that you and your pals have published about me is LIBEL in Canada that is a Criminal Act tell you lawyer to check Section 300 and explain it to you real slow. Everybody know I ran for public office five times thus far and have sued more lawyers that most folks can name. FYI It was the RCMP's job to figure out who you all were when I sued the Crown in 2015. It is my job to sue them for NOT doing so 3 years later.

    300. Punishment of libel known to be false

    300. Every one who publishes a defamatory libel that he knows is false is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.
    R.S., c. C-34, s. 264.

    Here is Youtube with real people with real names

    youtube com/watch?v=-cFOKT6TlSE

    Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local Campaign, Rogers TV
    Rogers tv
    Published on Oct 1, 2015
    Federal debate in Fundy Royal, New Brunswick riding featuring candidates Rob Moore, Stephanie Coburn, Alaina Lockhart, Jennifer McKenzie and David Amos.

  15. Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    David Amos I'm not Canadian, and don't keep up in Canadian Politics. The first time I've even heard of you was this comments section.

    You linked the Encyclopedia Dramatica article saying that it isn't satire, (also not mentioning it as libel untill now) which led me to believe you were saying it was truthful. Thus my confusion.

    You want to go after people for libeling you, that's good. I wish you the best of luck going after them and applaud you using legal methods to do so. Not everyone here (or at least not me) is attempting to Libel you.

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    FYI I am a person of TWO countries Canada and the USA.

    The very definition of "Cognitive Thought" dictates that you should have read and understood what I said BEFORE you practiced LIBEL against me.

    My complaint that your buddy Patrick Doran published in ED years ago explains my situation in great detail Trust that there have been 8 decisions in the matter so far. What part of that complaint did you not understand? What about the letter to me from the Department of Homeland Security that Doran published? Did you really think that it was some sort of joke created by a Troll?

    BTW My family whom your fellow Trolls are sexually harassing and threatening to kill etc still live in the USA and your Yankee heroes in the FBI are very familiar with me tell your lawyer to study this file really closely

    scribd com/document/33799197/2619437-Cross-Border-Txt

    David Amos
    6 days ago

    Mad Shangi
    3 days ago (edited)
    Oh, I'm being accused of sexually harassing someone's minor daughter?! And yes, he did not provide evidence. He doesn't know what he's talking about. David Raymond Amos, the man who posted my dox on ED - is a mentally ill man. And I'm not saying that to insult him, I mean, he's legit mentally ill. I've never met this man in person. I've never met his daughter. He's threatened me, sent food delivery guys to my place in the past, and this is all because I had someone on my livestream that he happened to have beef with.

    You'll notice DDJ has a pattern of making unsubstantiated claims without evidence. So when DDJ points to a satirical webpage like Encyclopedia Dramatica and uses that as evidence for me being a racist, or a child molester, or whatever the fuck else he's accused me of... This is all because I made videos calling him out and this guy is a paralegal?

    David Amos
    3 hours ago
    You are a LIAR and I contacted your boss and you cop pals again

  16. Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    You know what, fuck it. Fuck you. I try to tell you I'm not a part of any group libeling you (or your family) but you don't seem to get it. How about this: FUCK OFF YOU OLD FUCK.

    I tried to be polite, but you seem to have lost your ability for reason in your damn old age. So fucking bring it. Sue me you cantakerous old fuck.

    Spoiler alert: you won't get shit cause I have negative monetary value.

    Hell, falsely labeling me as part of this "Shangi harassment cabal" is what? Oh yeah, LIBEL. Get fucked.

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    Any cop with two clues between his ears can see that you picked this fight with me PUNK I am just finishing it tis all

    Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    David Amos you called my boss? Really? How?

    Specifically: I'm unemployed dumbass

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    "Spoiler alert: you won't get shit cause I have negative monetary value."

    Learn to read PUNK I will sue the RCMP about this

    BTW I already figured that you were likeley just another PUNK like Patrick Doran living in your parent's basement

    Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    So you're sueing the mounties, over shit talking online.... No wonder you never won an election.

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    FYI I called Parick Doran boss. So who is the dumbass who can't read and brags of being unemployed?

    Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    Fuck you, you libelous dumbass, you were the one lumping me in with that asshole.

    Besides, what kind of dumbass brags about his Encyclopedia Dramatica article saying he's a crazy piece of shit troll? WHILE IMPLYING IT'S TRUE. Fuck off back to the hospice geezer.

    Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    David Amos and read what you yourself goddamn wrote you dipshit. You clearly state you called MY boss, not Duran Duran's

    John Brown
    6 days ago
    Andrew Mcmillan
    Don't mind David Amos, he's delusional.

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    Tell it to the RCMP and their buddies in the FBI Perhaps they will want to believe you

    The Badman
    6 days ago
    This david amos sounds like a fucking retard LMAO, this is DDJ's ace in the hole?? HHAHAHAHA


  17. SaveTheButterflies
    6 days ago (edited)
    EDIT: I posted this comment before watching further into the video. After Cog figures out how to change the format in discord and scrolls down to the bottom of the DMs with himself and DDJ, the DMs DO match up. I even looked closely at the timestamps. The first set in DDJ's video was sent at 4:50pm his time, and in Cog's DMs, it shows at 12:50am. That's an 8 hour difference. Which sounds close to what Cog had figured earlier that there was a 7 hour difference. I'm thinking it probably IS an 8 hour difference, because the rest of the time stamps also match up with an 8 hour difference. And it was worked out that Daylight Savings Time played a part in that.

    So, DDJ DID show a correct screenshot of his and Cog's DMs, he's just showing the very end 3 segments of their conversation. Cog also figures this out. My bad.

    He's still a doxxer though...

    [Original Post]
    1:07:40 Look at the screenshot in DDJ's video, then look at Cog's actual discord window that he shows.

    DDJ's screenshot has the first DM with 4 lines coming from him—4 separate posts, all 1 line each. Cog's discord has the first DM from DDJ with only 2 separate posts, and the second is 2 lines, which would not show up as a 3rd (or 4th) line like on DDJ's screenshot. Because when you post a new DM, it'll have your name there, but only on the first line of what you post. Also, look at the size of the black block DDJ put over the "messages". It is very small compared to the longer width of text shown on Cog's discord.

    Now the 2nd DM is from Cog, with THREE LINES. But Cog's discord only shows ONE LINE of response! Which is not even long enough to need a line return!

    And the 3rd DM from DDJ has 3 lines, like he posted 3 separate responses in a row. But Cog's discord shows 2 lines of responses, which could be either one long reply with a couple sentences, or each sentence as it's own line.

    Needless to say, even accounting for different formatting of discord, that does not explain the huge disparity between DDJ's "screenshot" and Cog's actual discord window. DDJ's "screenshot" has single, individual responses in every single message from both himself and Cog. While Cog's discord shows a more organic flow of text and line separation between the both of them. Even though DDJ blocked out any kind of text to show the conversation, what he left showing (ie their names from when they supposedly responded to each other), you can still tell that it just doesn't match up to Cog's actual discord window AT ALL.

    I'm not an expert here...but that certainly looks faked to me. That could even account for the time stamps being way off when comparing time zones.

    Cog, maybe have a closer look at that.

    Cognitive Thought
    6 days ago
    SaveTheButterflies I figured it out... He showed the last few messages between us. Not the first messages. He lied about me reaching out to him and acts like the conversation was more that 40 minutes worth of actual time spent messaging.

  18. SaveTheButterflies
    6 days ago
    Yeah, the guy is a total doxxing douchebag. My bad on thinking the screenshot was faked, because it wasn't, he was just showing the last few messages, like you said. I edited my comment to reflect that. Guess I fell prey to the "commented before watching the whole video" syndrome. XD I'll do better next time.

    6 days ago
    Yeah, the guy is definitely a disgusting douchebag for doxxing, and a liar...but he didn't forge the date and time on his screenshot. He just showed the last few redacted messages between him and Cog, not the first few. The time stamps do match up as well, if you account for their time zone differences and daylight savings in the US. I edited my comment to reflect this, but I don't know if you saw that. :)

    But yeah...still a doxxing douchebag.

    Cognitive Thought
    6 days ago
    SaveTheButterflies Dude I did it the same thing... He structures things in such a bizarre way like he's writing riddles to have bitch made gotcha moments like "you forgot our 40 mins conversation so you're obviously a liar" ... An example being that he just send me a PNG of a comment someone left on his video (the same guy who is in the Reddit comments claiming Shangi is a paedo) who has a link to a YouTube video and says "this is evidence Shangi doxed himself, he said his address live to me"... With this PNG he told me that I'd been lied to by Shangi and this was the evidence... So I went to the comment... Clicked the link... It's a stream from a few days ago that Shangi made.

    6 days ago
    So I take it that in the video that Shangi made, does he even say his address live? Like, the full address that DDJ provided? Or was it something stupid like, "I live in Washington State".

    Cognitive Thought
    6 days ago
    I don't hear him saying address... Looking through this now.


  19. Lyli Even32
    6 days ago
    I have proof of when those tweets were sent to me. I'm also concerned about you Cognitive thought. You see, Shangi knows the truth and when you asked him if you were incorrect and were prepared to be corrected.. He didn't correct you. He set you up for this.

    Cognitive Thought
    6 days ago
    Lyli Even32 Want to explain how 73 tweets = Stalker/Mass Shooter Material?
    Was it not over the period of 16 days?

    Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    Proof would be awesome to see!

    Lyli Even32
    6 days ago
    I only have proof of him sending tweets for 6 days, and that was for the 73, but maybe I missed something because of his accounts being suspended..
    And you're right, 73 tweets doesn't equal mass shooter material..
    One needs to bare in mind that those tweets weren't sent as a conversation because they were mostly one sided.
    In addition to that, he made several awful videos and attempted to bait me onto his show for the expressed purpose of attacking me (which he's admitted to himself btw)
    He also has a distinct history of harassing others. He has displayed narcissistic tenancies in his writings. And the fact that he's dialling up the victim card to you all right now show cases manipulative nature. He didn't correct you initially, because he wanted you to feel bad for him...

    Andrew Mcmillan
    6 days ago
    So that justifies doxxing? Cause that only gives any victim narrative credibility.

    What type of manipulation is Shangi guilty of? The type where he claims "thousands of harassing tweets" are sent over a year, but it's less than a hundred over the course of ~2 weeks?

    You don't have to be that manipulative to get people to feel bad for someone being doxxed. In fact, one doesn't have to be manipulative at all to play "muh victim card" to do it.

    From where I'm sitting, you played yourself.

    Though what were those "awful" videos? And did I miss you telling DDJ about them?

    Proof is always awesome to see!

    6 days ago
    Shangi may be a piece of shit but DDJ is still a doxxer

    John Brown
    6 days ago
    All you say is "I have proof" of this and that. Four videos later, still nothing from you. Care to explain why you're holding back that "definite" proof?

    And for the record, DDJ's assumption that Cog is doing this for Superchats is utterly moronic. It also shows how he simply avoids the argument that is thrown at him by deflecting.

    DDJ never tries to prove himself right, all he has done so far is smear others while at the same time deflecting and denying everything like a leftist.

    Also calling Mad Shangi a potential murderer based on an Encyclopedia Dramatica satire page and on some Reddit posts is the epitome of stupidity. Because Anonymous is always legit, right?

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    YOU and your anonymous legal advice buddy know the TRUTH Patrick Doran and Barry Winters versus Glen Canning and I just like the Calgary Cops, the RCMP and the FBI certainly do

    The Badman
    6 days ago
    tranny looking thot trash, go munch some carpet, lesbo cunt.


    Misandry Today Admits To Sharing The Mad Shangi's Dox
    Cognitive Thought
    Streamed live on Mar 14, 2018
    Joining me is VampKandy & Sinatra.

    If you like what you see, please Subscribe! (:


    David Amos
    6 days ago
    The RCMP can bet our thin Canadian dimes to fat Yankee petrodollars that I saved this video and the FBI know why

    David Amos
    6 days ago
    I hear you people talking about Glen Canning and I dealing with your pal Patrick Doran you can bet I contacted the cops AGAIN


    The Plot Thickens Misandry Today's Evidence
    Cognitive Thought
    Streamed live on Mar 18, 2018
    DDJ has sent me more evidence from David Amos... So let's take a look at the credibility of his source.


    David Amos
    5 days ago

    Mad Shangi
    5 days ago
    Thanks, David. You do the work of discrediting yourself for us.

    John Brown
    5 days ago
    David Amos.
    Get lost, weirdo. Get some help, psychological help.

    5 days ago
    >Get lost, weirdo. Get some help, psychological help.
    keep sucking that cognitive cock. you might possibly conquer westeros.

    The Badman
    5 days ago
    shutup you nutty piece of fucking shit.

    David Amos
    1 second ago
    Your work not mine

    David Amos
    5 days ago
    Why did you block me after inviting me to defend myself?

    David Amos
    5 days ago
    "You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a moderator."

    David Amos
    5 days ago
    Yea Right So much for you noname no balls Trolls and your evil sense of ethics or rather the severe lack thereof EH?


  22. John Brown
    5 days ago
    David Amos has mental issues. If he really is DDJ's source, then we have further proof that DDJ is even more retarded than we thought. Who takes the testimony of a mentally ill man as legit? He should be locked up in a padded room for all we know.

    And just so you know, DDJ brags about being a paralegal for more than 10 years. So retarded, it's like bragging about being a waiter for 10 years. Not that being a waiter is something wrong, but it's not supposed to be a long-term job like DDJ is so proud of.

    You don't need to go to school to be a paralegal. All they do is serve donuts and coffee to the lawyers, deliver documents and write down whatever they are told to. Glorified secretaries, that's what they are. Imagine doing that for 10 years, as a man. Low wage, low status, dispensable, basically nonexistent. It must've been hard for him to watch those lawyers get all the credit from successful cases, as if what he did mattered not.

    Not to mention all the hot girls that take jobs as paralegals in order to marry a wealthy lawyer. Must've been hard for DDJ to get rejected every time, considering how scummy he is. It explains why he keeps the purple-haired creature close to him and why he white-knights for her; his dream of having status and women vouching for him finally came true! LOL

    I'm just trying to get in his head here. The guy has exposed enough of himself to make solid assumptions.

    The Badman
    5 days ago
    no shit he has mental issues, LMAO.

    Pleasure Of Doubt
    5 days ago
    @Cog: Re naming the Queen - this is just the way that you name the government/crown in a lawsuit. There can be any number of legitimate reasons to do so. It likely doesn’t mean that the person was going after the Queen personally.

    David Amos
    5 days ago

    David Amos
    5 days ago
    Doran is mentioned in Statement 75

    Cognitive Thought
    5 days ago
    Pleasure Of Doubt Actually it's always Vs Her Majesty's Attorney General... He's the cheif legal advisor of the crown.

    David Amos
    5 days ago
    This is the docket for your queries


  23. Pleasure Of Doubt
    5 days ago
    I haven’t seen the lawsuit, so I’m not commenting on whether it was legitimate in this particular case, just that it’s not something that is silly in principle.

    Cognitive Thought
    5 days ago (edited)
    Pleasure Of Doubt
    Yeah you can't sue the Queen muh dude. It's called "The Crown Proceedings Act 1947"

    David Amos
    5 days ago
    You need a lawyer

    David Amos
    5 days ago
    Click on the link above verify that it is for real then read the text of it in the link below

    Pleasure Of Doubt
    5 days ago
    David Amos ok, I googled and found your statement of claim. I just gave it a skim since it is very long. I’m not sure frankly if it is worth reading more closely. I don’t want to offend you but my guess is that your case was dismissed? If that’s right please let me know. If not maybe it is worth reading in more detail.

    Pleasure Of Doubt
    5 days ago
    Cognitive Thought that does ring a bell actually. Though I think there may be times where it the queen too, can’t remember off hand. I seem to recall criminal cases at least being brought by the Queen. In any case, if my suspicions are correct this was not a valid lawsuit.

    Mad Shangi
    5 days ago
    It's usually referred to as "The Crown." David Amos's so-called "lawsuit" has no relevance to anything he talks about. Apparently, from what I know about it... it all has to do with some dead cows that he blames the government for killing. It's so fucking stupid.

    Pleasure Of Doubt
    5 days ago
    David Amos: yep, as I thought. Found the order dismissing your claim as vexatious (on my phone so difficult to post links but can later if someone wants me to). I can’t say I am surprised. With all due respect it was pretty clear that it would be dismissed as frivolous/vexatious just from a quick skim. Not sure if that makes you feel better about it, I’m sure you weren’t happy about that but you were bound to lose that one.

    David Amos
    5 days ago
    Trust that you Trolls already offended me BIGTIME but that lawsuit is about to be sent to the Supreme Court as I file three more in Federal Court

    Pleasure Of Doubt
    5 days ago
    David Amos I really don’t want to offend you, and I assure you I’m not a troll. I appreciate that you must be very frustrated at what you no doubt believe is a very unfair process but I suspect you are in for more frustration if you continue to push that claim. My advice is to let it go and try to move on. I know it’s not what you want to hear, but I don’t think you are going to get what you want by going further. Of course, you shouldn’t trust some random on the net, but I suspect that any lawyers you have consulted have told you the same.

    Pleasure Of Doubt
    5 days ago
    Cognitive Thought looked it up. In my jurisdiction (Ontario) when you sue the Crown it is “Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario”. Though there are other times I remember where you name the AG. IIRC you add the AG when you bring any constitutional claim. Sure there are other times, but I’m not really interested in researching it more right now. But I knew I remembered you sometimes need to name the Queen! At least in Ontario!

  24. David Amos
    5 days ago
    I don't consult lawyers I sue them remember? Its rather obvious that you are definitely just another evil Troll supporting Patrick Doran against me. I sometimes adhere to the old expression "Don't feed the Trolls' and sometimes I do when it behoves me to do so. This is my last comment within a mindless noname Troll's domain until April Fools Day.

    FYI I downloaded and managed listen to this diatribe last night and shook my head at the nonsense of it all. It appears t me that he surfed Youbtube and found one of Dean Roger Ray's old Videos with only a bunch f my comment recorded within in within I appear to be arguing nobody so I must be crazy correct? Need I say DUHHH??? FYI when you kill a Troll and his Youtube Channel is taken down all his comments diappear as well dummy. In a nutshell you are looking at several f my victories ver Trolls such as yourselves. That is why I save ALL comment and sometimes post them elsewhere.

    With regards to your perverted pal Patrick Doran telling the world his location, he clearly within his first live stream about Glen Canning in 2014 that was knocked off YouTube long ago. However Glen Canning and his cop pals know very well that Doran and I have our copies of his first "Really Big Show" just as they do. If you know where to look on the Internet you can find where I published all the comments in the aforesaid YouTube before they went "Poof" Hell I even asked Patty baby in writing if his stated address was correct before I called the cops and notified Glen Canning as well. it was Canning's pals where figured out where the pervert worked byway of Facebook etc. BTW I was happy to be informed that Doran lost his job however I also don't believe it for obvious reasons.

    As I said its not my job to figure out who all you Trolls are. It is the job of RCMP and their pals in the FBI job to do. However trust that I will mention this comment section within my next lawsuit against the Crown.

    All that said whether my matter be dismissed as frivolous/vexatious or not It ain't over until the Fat Lady sings. Why not ask all your wannabe lawyer buddies how many times they have seen the Federal Court of Appeal edit a decision before an application to the Supreme Court could be filed in a timely manner?

    Cya'll in Court

    Pleasure Of Doubt
    5 days ago
    David Amos: take care.

    The Badman
    5 days ago
    yeah this david amos guy is a fucking nutjob, i doubt he has any children even. What a fucking fruitcake.

    Kelsyer's Cannabis Reviews
    5 days ago
    @Cognitive Thought, I have approached you with a situation I felt ethically compelled to do something. I still am so busy attempting to help this situation. I think the kid will not seek help. That sucks, but what the fuck compelled this man? You know what compelled me. You agreed I had reason to be concerned and ask him to seek help. I know you are reasonable on this issue, what the fuck could have compelled him? In my mind, damn near nothing. I fucking hate doxers. Why did I need anyone's private info sent to me? What am I going to do, use it as a paper for my blunt?
